The penetration depth dependence of Young’s modulus (Figure 3c) b

The penetration depth dependence of Young’s modulus (Figure 3c) behaves similarly as that of the hardness. Consequently, both mechanical Epacadostat manufacturer parameters were determined using

the curves obtained from the CSM loading scheme (Figure 3b,c) by taking the average values within the penetration depth of 40 to 60 nm. This range of penetration depth was chosen intentionally to be deep enough for observing plastic deformation during indentation yet to be shallow enough to avoid the complications arising from the effects of surface roughness [25] and substrate [18]. Table 1 summarizes the Defactinib solubility dmso hardness and Young’s modulus for various BFO thin films obtained from different deposition methods and indentation operation modes. Table 1 Hardness and Young’s modulus of BFO thin films obtained from various deposition methods   H (GPa) E (GPa) Radio frequency magnetron sputtering-derived BFOa       350°C 6.8 131.4   400°C

8.5 147.6   450°C 10.6 170.8 Sol–gel-derived BFO [26] 2.8~3.8 26~51 aThe present work. It is well known that the dependence of material hardness on the grain size can be described by the phenomenological ‘Hall-Petch’ equation [27]: (5) where H 0 and k H-P are denoted as the lattice friction stress and the Hall–Petch constant, respectively. A MDV3100 in vivo plot of the hardness versus D −1/2data for BFO thin films deposited at various temperatures is displayed in Figure 4. We note that although the grain size of BFO thin films remains relatively small as compared to that of the usual metallic materials, the data still follow pretty closely to the Hall–Petch relation, and the so-called negative Hall–Petch effect [28] is not observed here. The dashed line represents the fit to the Hall–Petch equation for the experimental data, which Silibinin gives (6) which indicates a probable lattice friction stress of 1.03 GPa, and the Hall–Petch constant of 43.12 GPa nm1/2 for BFO thin films also indicates the effectiveness of the grain

boundary in hindering the dislocation movements. Figure 4 Plot of the experimental data of hardness versus grain size. The dashed line represents a fit to the Hall–Petch equation with H(D) = 1.03 + 43.12 D −1/2. Furthermore, it is evident that both the hardness and Young’s modulus of BFO thin films decrease monotonically with increasing deposition temperature. The corresponding hardness values (Young’s modulus) are 10.6 (170.8), 8.5 (147.6), and 6.8 (131.4) GPa for BFO thin films deposited at 350°C, 400°C, and 450°C, respectively. Since the higher deposition temperature leads to the larger grain size for BFO thin films, as we have discussed previously, it is reasonable to consider that the decrease of hardness and Young’s modulus might be mainly due to the grain size effect [29].

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