This has been done in prior work with betaine [5, 6] The treatme

This has been done in prior work with betaine [5, 6]. The treatment period for both conditions was 14 days and a 21 day washout period was included between conditions. Blood Wnt drug samples were taken before and after each 14 day treatment period (after the 10 minute quiet rest period) in order to determine the effect of chronic supplementation with betaine on plasma nitrate/nitrite. Study 3 Effect of chronic followed by acute ingestion of betaine on plasma nitrate/nitrite: Subjects reported to the laboratory

on day 1 and day 8. On day 1, subjects simply provided a fasting, resting blood sample. They were then provided with individual servings of betaine (3 grams per serving) and instructed to ingest two servings per day (6 grams total) for seven days, mixed in water. Subjects returned to the lab on day 8 and a fasting, resting blood sample was obtained. Subjects then ingested 6 grams of betaine mixed into 150 mL of water. Rather than use Gatorade®, as was done in Study 2, we chose to use water only (at a lower volume), in an attempt to more closely mimic the work of Iqbal and coworkers [17]. Additional Pitavastatin solubility dmso blood samples were taken at 30 and 60 minutes post ingestion. No food or calorie containing beverages were allowed during the test period, although water was allowed ad libitum and matched for each subject during both days of testing. This design

allowed us to determine both the chronic and acute effects of betaine ingestion of plasma nitrate/nitrite. This third design differed

from designs 1 and 2 in that we used a higher dosage of betaine during the chronic supplementation period, and while the 6 gram acute dosage was not much different than the 5 gram acute dosage provided in Study 1, this was preceded by a 7 day treatment period with 6 grams of betaine per day. In comparison, Study 1 simply used a single ingestion of betaine without Interleukin-2 receptor any pretreatment period. It should be noted that while we attempted to mimic as closely as possible the design of Iqbal and colleagues [17], due to the fact that their work was not presented in peer reviewed manuscript format, it is possible that some design differences did occur between our study and their work. Blood Processing and Biochemistry At each time of blood collection, venous samples (~7 mL) were taken from an antecubital vein via needle and Vacutainer®. Repeated venipunctures were used for blood collection in all studies. We have noted in prior work using resistance trained men as subjects that performing repeated venipunctures is not associated with problems in obtaining blood samples. Moreover, we have compared the use of repeated venipunctures with the use of indwelling JNK inhibitor catheter placement on serial blood sample collection over time, and have noted no difference in terms of endothelial cell derived peptides (e.g., endothelin-1 [19]).

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