05) in NSCLC patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy <

05) in NSCLC patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy. CCI-779 supplier These polymorphisms independently predicted clinical outcome even after taking into account age, gender, tumour histology, tumour differentiation and chemotherapy regimens.

CONCLUSION: Genetic polymorphisms of GSTP1 and XRCC1 may be important predictive factors in platinum-treated patients with advanced NSCLC. Assessment of genetic variations of GSTP1 and XRCC1 could facilitate therapeutic decisions for individualised therapy in advanced NSCLC.”
“Purpose: To evaluate the change in cartilage T2 values with loading in patients with hip dysplasia.

Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with hip dysplasia and nine asymptomatic

healthy volunteers were evaluated between April 2008 and February 2009. All subjects

provided written informed consent before participation in this prospective, institutional review board-approved study. Midcoronal T2 mapping of hips was performed under unloaded and loaded conditions (with 50% body weight) at 3.0-T magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Loading was achieved with a mechanical loading system. T2 values Topoisomerase inhibitor under unloaded conditions and the change in T2 values at the weight-bearing area of the acetabular and femoral cartilage with loading were compared between normal and dysplastic hips. The change in T2 with loading was correlated with the patient’s age and body mass index as well as with the center-edge angle determined Selleckchem MK-0518 on conventional radiographs.

Results: The decrease in cartilage T2 at the outer superficial zones of the acetabular cartilage with loading was significantly greater in patients with hip dysplasia than in healthy volunteers: The mean T2 change with loading was -7.6% +/- 10.6 (+/- standard deviation)

for dysplastic hips and 1.2% +/- 10.9 for normal hips (P = .04). Among patients with hip dysplasia, there was a positive correlation between the center-edge angle on anteroposterior radiographs and T2 changes with loading at the outer deep zones of the acetabular cartilage.

Conclusion: Cartilage T2 mapping with loading during MR imaging enabled the detection of site-specific changes in cartilage T2 in dysplastic hips. (C) RSNA, 2010″
“We investigate the enhancement of intrinsic spin Hall accumulation in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba and Dresselhaus (001) spin-orbit coupling. Employing the real-space Landauer-Keldysh Green’s function formalism, we show that intrinsic spin Hall accumulation can be strongly enhanced at the specific energy point where the system develops two charge current vortices with certain chirality. We find that the localized vortex state is accompanied by a conductance dip arising from the Fano-Rashba effect. The spin-orbit force picture is used to analyze the enhanced spin accumulation patterns. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.

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