At 10 years of age (7 years after the first clinical event), she

At 10 years of age (7 years after the first clinical event), she developed progressive cognitive deterioration, mood disorder, and headache, suggesting a secondary progressive form of multiple sclerosis. Magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid analysis were equivocal while visual evoked potentials were the sole test in favor of a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. A multifaceted approach may be needed when dealing with atypical cases

of demyelinating disease in young children.”
“Background: In inflammatory bowel disease a defective mucosal barrier, a dysregulated immune response and an excessive reactivity against the gut microbiota are assumed to cause a breakdown of the intestinal homeostasis and lead to chronic inflammation. Piroxicam treatment is a method for induction of colitis in IL-10 k.o. mice, which integrates a dysfunction

of both the intestinal barrier and the immune system. However, the translational value of this model has not been thoroughly clarified.

Aim: To characterise the piroxicam-accelerated colitis (PAC) IL-10 k.o. model with respect to clinical features, pathogenic mechanisms and its ability to respond to existing therapies.

Methods: The PAC IL-10 k.o. model was established on a C57BL/6 J background and the clinical manifestations, immunological mechanisms and efficacy of ampicillin and anti-IL-12/23p40 treatment were assessed.

Results: The PAC IL-10 k.o. mice developed weight loss and find more diarrhoea, and colonoscopy revealed a thickened granulomatous

mucosa. Histological evaluation of ileum and colon showed Crohn’s disease-like changes with pronounced hyperplasia and focal transmural inflammation. Ileitis was also observed in piroxicam treated wild type mice. The total number of neutrophils, monocytes and natural AZD7762 in vivo killer cells was elevated in the blood compared to IL-10 k.o. and wild type mice, indicating a role of the innate immune system in the pathogenesis. These findings were supported by analyses of the intestinal cytokine profile. Ampicillin and anti-IL-12/23p40 treatment significantly suppressed disease in the model.

Conclusion: The PAC IL-10 k.o. model resembles several features of Crohn’s disease and could be a useful in vivo model in preclinical research. (C) 2013 European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“The static and dynamic magnetic properties of Fe-SiO2 multilayers fabricated onto Si(100) substrates by a radio frequency sputter-deposition system are investigated as functions of deposition angle and Fe thickness. By changing the oblique deposition angle, one can effectively tune the ferromagnetic resonance frequency from 1.7 to 3.5 GHz.

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