Symptoms of OA include disability of the joints caused by swellin

Symptoms of OA include disability of the joints caused by swelling, pain after exercise or use, and joint stiffness FG-4592 [1, 2]. Although the cause of OA is unknown, it is believed that stress placed upon the joints is a factor. Treatments for OA vary and have included rest, heat, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications, corticosteroid injections, and/or surgery [5]. Physical activity has been suggested to be beneficial for OA patients while inactivity can serve as a risk factor for developing OA [5]. Research

from the Framingham Knee Osteoarthritis Study indicated that overselleck screening library weight men and women have a higher risk for developing OA than those who are not overweight [6]. These researchers also reported that weight loss helped decrease pain associated with OA [7]. Messier

and colleagues [8] reported that weight loss significantly reduces load exertion on the knee. Moreover, Miller and associates [9] reported that an intensive energy Selleckchem PF-04929113 deficit diet combined with exercise training improved physical function indices in older obese adults with knee OA. It has been reported that changes in OA symptoms were best predicted by changes body fat [10]. In addition, reductions in strength relative to body weight can promote the development of OA [11]. As a result, interventions that strengthen the muscles and reduce body fat have been suggested to reduce pain and enhance functional capacity in individuals with OA [10, 12, 13]. Higher protein diets have been reported to promote greater weight loss while preserving fat free mass and resting energy expenditure to a greater degree than higher carbohydrate diets [14–16]. In addition, higher protein diets have been reported to promote greater improvement in several markers of health particularly in Forskolin purchase populations at risk to cardiovascular disease due to elevated glucose and/or triglyceride levels [17–19]. Prior research from our lab has indicated that 14-weeks of circuit style

resistance-training while following a moderately hypo-energetic higher protein diet promoted significant reductions in weight and fat mass while improving fitness and markers of health in obese women [20, 21]. A subsequent study indicated that this program was comparatively more effective in terms of promoting weight loss and improvements in markers of health and fitness than a meal replacement-based diet program with recommendations to increase physical activity [22]. Additionally, we have reported that higher protein diets promote more favorable changes in body composition and markers of health than a higher carbohydrate diet in obese women initiating training with and without insulin resistance [23].

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